Amaya Gloor

Amaya Gloor, a rising Swiss pop artist with a fascinating mix of talent, passion and cultural diversity. Born and raised in Switzerland, she proudly carries her Costa Rican and Jamaican roots in her music and personality.

 Amaya’s musical journey began early, when she discovered the keys of a piano at the age of five. However, it wasn’t until her teenage years that her artistic identity manifested itself as she began to write her own songs and shape her vocal uniqueness. Inspired by icons such as Adele and Lana Del Rey, she created a powerful, empathetic sound that fuses emotional depths and catchy melodies.

 After graduating from school, Amaya took the step to take her musical passion to a professional level. She came across the renowned producer Ben Mühlethaler, who has already worked with many national and international artists such as Prince, Craig David, Aura Dione etc. Amaya described the experience of recording her own songs in an esteemed studio as overwhelming and the realization of her calling.

 With a natural talent and an unwavering will to pursue her dreams, she began interpreting cover songs by well-known artists and sharing them on social media.

 It was exactly this step that attracted the attention of Universal Music. Amaya’s sensitive interpretations and her ability to give each song a personal touch make her a promising talent on the music scene.

 Her contract with Universal Music opened up new opportunities and perspectives. Amaya began to work on her own original songs, integrating her cultural influences from Costa Rica and Jamaica. Her songs combine catchy melodies, inspiring lyrics and an exotic touch.


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